Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Very Important Discussion on Backpacks

Below is a video created by my cousin Katie and me.  Katie will be a freshman in high school this fall and she knows a thing or two about backpacks.  Backpacks are an essential item for school because they hold everything from books to notebooks.  Every student should have her or his own backpack and there is much to consider when choosing a backpack.  Hopefully this video will provide some helpful information for you.  It was highly informative for me, a seasoned student.  To the left is a photo of Katie (red hair) and me.  We are related.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The End of Summer School...for now...

I post this after my last summer EDU graduate class at Creighton University as a tribute to the class and the summer and all that was gleaned. Enjoy the picture. Shout out to Mike Mansour for his sweet, sweet technological skills and wisdom.

This image serves as one example of the many skills I learned this summer in the EDU 520 Technology class.  Thanks, Mr. Mansour, it's been real.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Welcome Back!

Hello and greetings as we begin the 2011-2012 school year at Spalding Academy!  Hopefully you have had a restful and relaxing summer and are ready to get back into the swing of school and learning.  This blog will serve as a means to display students' work online.
Get ready for a great school year!

Please take this quick survey to tell me what your favorite part of summer was:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Technology-Infused Lesson

Below describes a technology-rich lesson I created to teach my second grade Religion class about the importance of water in the sacrament of Baptism.  Because I do not have easy access to a number of computers I am making use of my personal computer for this lesson.  Any interactive activities on the computer will be completed on the one computer as a shared group.

Here is a link to a google doc that outlines the lesson:

Technology Lesson on Baptism

The second graders are pictured to the left.  They are excitedly working on our class planting project completed in the spring.

For feedback from my colleagues, here is a template for them to complete.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Welcome to My Den!

Hello, and welcome to Ms. Otter's Den!  This blog will eventually serve as a means to communicate with my students.  I am a teacher at Spalding Academy and I teach almost anything under the sea.  Like the animal (of which I share my last name), I am friendly and like having a fun time.  I also like to swim!  These skills come in handy in the classroom (well, maybe not the swimming...).  There will be more to come on this blog as the year progresses.  Until then, keep it real.